COVID-19 and Catch up Premium Information
Reducing Risks and Operating procedures.
Our school complies with National and Local guidance to reduce the risks related to Covid-19. Our risk assessments are frequently updated. Please see the documents below.
We work within the guidance from Public Health Somerset, which includes a graduated approach to restrictions and measures. Please see our Risk Assessment and Covid -19 Outbreak Contingency plan.
Please help us to stay safe by following these measures.
Testing Positive for Covid (updated 12.9.22)
If your child tests positive for Covid, they should remain at home, absent from school, for 3 days after the date of their test. They can return to school after this time if;
* they feel well
* they no longer have symptoms
Please let us know if your child tests positive for Covid.
If adults and staff test positive for Covid, they should remain at home for 5 days after the day of the test. Click below for more guidance