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Martock Church of England Primary School

and Pre-School

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Attendance and the school day

At Martock Primary, we know that good attendance enables pupils to make good friendships, secure learning and develop resilience. We know that good attendance has a direct link to future prospects for learning and later life. We encourage all children to aim for a high level of attendance  (97%) to meet with these expectations. National expectations are at 96%. This is the same  as 177 days out of a possible 190 days.  Attendance which is regular and on time is important for all children to succeed. We want to work with parents to ensure that children have a personalised approach to managing attendance, which includes support and guidance, where needed.

The School Day

The school day starts at 8.45am. Morning registration starts at 8.45am.  Gates are open to families from 8.35am. Children can enter their classrooms straight away.


We have two ten minutes breaks during the morning and one lunch break time. The afternoons may incorporate outdoor learning and breaks.

Lunch times- Lunch time runs from 12pm- 1pm every day.

End of the school day- School ends at 3.15pm for all children. Parents are encouraged to collect their youngest child first.

Total hours in a typical week- the total hours are 32.5 hours each week.

Recording attendance.

Each 1/2 a day at school has to be recorded as either authorised or unauthorised. 

Authorised absences- illness, medical appointment, emergencies.

Unauthorised absences

We are guided by the DFE to record all absences. Please see our attendance policy.

Examples of unauthorised absences

* Time off for a birthday

* Shopping trip

* Term time holidays- exceptional circumstances may be met for religious holidays, funerals, weddings.

Letting us know if your child is absent

If your child is unwell, please call the office on 01935 823486 and leave a message by selection option  Alternatively, you can email the office using the email address:

If we haven't heard from you and your child does not arrive into school, we will contact you initially by text and will follow this up with a  telephone call. It's important that we establish where your child is to ensure that they are safe. If we have concerns that we have not heard from you, we may carry out a home visit. 

Arriving on time 

Punctuality is very important. Lateness results in children not feeling ready to learn, missing out on activities as well as lost learning. This all adds up over time. We know that children who regularly arrive late do not succeed as well as other children do. Please make every effort to arrive early to allow your child to be ready to start learning at 8.45am. 


Attendance leaflet for parents
