Music Curriculum
At Martock Primary School, we believe that our learners should develop an enjoyment and appreciation of a diverse range of music through opportunities to listen, perform and compose.
We strive to provide opportunities for children to experience music from a range of genres to develop their understanding of the world around them. We aim to supply learners with the language they need to talk about music effectively. We encourage our learners to express preferences, compare and contrast and identify musical features.
At Martock Primary School, we believe that music also enhances the curriculum more widely. Music is also used to bring our school community together, in celebration and reflection, and unites us within our Christian identity. We join together weekly to sing as a whole school. This supports our sense of belonging to our community and also enables us to develop our musical skills. We take our singing and joy for music out into our community and enjoy singing during our local school church services.
Music curriculum learning at Martock is delivered through the use of Charanga Music School which provides good coverage and progression of skills in all year groups from EYFS, and is in line with the National Curriculum. Termly plans provide a good balance of listening, performing and composition activities and are accessible and engaging for all children. Our learners will be encourgaged and supported to listen and respond respectfully to the music they encounter. They will have opportunities to perform using instruments or voice and receive opportunities to engage in creating their own compositions.