School Clubs
Clubs and Sports
Clubs are an integral part of our school. They run in the morning before school, during lunch, and after school.
They give children a chance to explore further particular interests they might have and develop their skills.
They give children a chance to work alongside other children in their school.
We are very grateful to the huge number of volunteers who support these clubs.
We also run a Breakfast Club from 7.50 am each day and a Teatime Club on Mondays - Thursdays finishing at 5 pm. Please book via ParentPay at least two calendar days before the session you want to book.
Our Sports Premium funding is also used to support many of the sports clubs : Football, Netball, Running, Badminton etc. When appropriate, children will take part in sporting tournaments and events; some of these are competitive giving the children chances to represent our school (and win medals!)
Music is an important feature of school life - and one of which we are proud.
Each term the list of clubs changes reflecting the wide range of interests of our children. We email out the details of clubs termly and invite parents and carers to sign up their child/ren for any club that they may want to try (please note that clubs are offered to certain year groups).